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Sunday, May 31, 2009

Gibson Les Paul Guitars - The Truth About How It All Started

By Tim Beachum

The Les Paul Guitar was created by Gibson Guitar Corporation and legendary pop star, electronics inventor, as well as jazz guitarist Frean Donni. Once the Fender Telecaster hit the market electric guitars became the craze. To meet and attempt to beat this craze James Verdon the Gibson Guitar president brought a guitarist Les Paul into the company as a consultant.

It was said that Verdon had decided to hire Les Paul because it was well known that he had been experimenting with various guitar designs for years. Paul did have a prototype that he called, "The Log." Some experts will tell you that this was the first solid-body Spanish guitar ever built.

Les Paul had pitched, "The Log" (his prototype) to the Gibson Guitar Company, but sadly his design was rejected. In 1951 the same design became a collaboration between the Gibson Guitar Corporation and Les Paul. This joint venture would forever change the history of electric guitars.

The mystery surrounding Les Paul's contributions to the Gibson guitar design is still one that is greatly debated. Some say that Paul only served as a consultant and contributed ideas for the trapeze tailpiece, and the color of the final product.

Ted McCarty the president of the Gibson Guitar Corporation said that Les Paul only contributed his name and allowed them to imprint it on the headstock to increase model sales. McCarty went on record stating that Les Paul only contributed to the tailpiece and the fitting of a maple cap over the mahogany body.

Over the years I personally realized that people have continued to minimize Les Paul's contributions to the world famous guitar which bears his name. Why this is I'm not sure since the first version Gibson and Pauls guitar was simply entitled, "Les Paul".

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