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Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Can I Be Together With Him Again?

By Sara Summers

Getting back together with an ex is always difficult. Take the time to follow these few tips and you can make it a bit easier. So many people don't succeed in winning their ex back. It's not really our fault. No one ever handed us an instruction book when we first started dating that taught us how to handle a breakup. Much less, how to get someone back after a breakup. If you want your guy back, better read the following...

1. First of all, get rid of the self-pity. I know it's hard not to feel down after a breakup, but you have to stop feeling sorry for yourself. You have to be willing to be strong. Don't let your emotion and especially depression keep you down. You can't achieve a goal, if you can't keep your emotions in check and your mind clear. Negativity sabotages your plans even before you put them into action.

2. The previous form of the relationship is over. No amount of wishing can ever bring it back to the way things were. You can't let your mind keep wandering into the past. Focus on what is going on now. If you realize that the relationship of the past wasn't perfect you're heading in the right direction and laying the foundation for you and your ex boyfriend to get back. Remember you are most likely glossing over all the bad stuff that happened. The relationship wasn't broken up in a day, and it won't be mended overnight either.

3. Back off for a bit. There's nothing less appealing to guys than a stalker. Especially ex boyfriends. You may want to seek comfort by hearing his voice or seeing his face, but if you really want him back, you must learn to give him space for a while. Don't continuously call him, text message him, email him, or go to his place or where he hangs out just to see him. Give him time to realize he may have made a mistake. He may begin to actually miss you. It may actually be more difficult to get him back if you don't give the time and space he needs after a breakup.

4. Change yourself. Be someone men would desire. New clothes, makeup, hairstyle... whatever suits your fancy. If you've picked up a few pounds, start exercising and eating healthy. When you look good on the outside, you're going to start feeling better about yourself on the inside. By feeling good on the inside you will be confident and happy. When you're confident and happy, you will project this image to others. There's nothing more attractive than the aura of confidence, and even an ex-boyfriend isn't immune to this.

5. Be patient. At some point, your ex will contact you. Imagine his surprise when he sees the "new" you from step 4. He will probably be sorry that he broke up with you. Keep your physical contact with him to a minimum, if you do see him. Seeing you looking your best and seeing that you've become confident and happy will make him desire you. If you limit your physical contact with him, this will drive him crazy. Don't rush things, jumping back into a relationship again too quickly could result in another breakup and this time, it could be permanent.

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Movies And MP3

Movies and MP3 files are already compressed with near maximum capacity. Repacking them would just create larger files and increase decompression time. Ripped movies are still packaged due to the large file size, but compression is disallowed and the RAR format is used only as a container. Because of this, modern playback software can easily play a release directly from the packaged files, and even stream it as the release is downloaded (if the network is fast enough).

MP3 and music video releases are an exception in that they are not packaged into a single archive like almost all other sections. These releases have content that is not further compressible without loss of quality, but also have small enough files that they can be transferred reliably without breaking them up. Since these releases rarely have large numbers of files, leaving them unpackaged is more convenient and allows for easier scripting. For example, scripts can read ID3 information from MP3s and sort releases based on those contents.