Streaming Movies For MP3 Online

Thursday, May 6, 2010

The Movie "Fargo" Reviewed

By Mary Schroeder

An assumption could be made, that if you were reading this article, you are either a fan of the film or you have yet to see the movie "Fargo" and are wondering if this flick is actually worth your time. Well, if the second is you, than it most certainly is and you will be better informed as to why as this article progresses.

You have to think, the best way for you to understand and appreciate this film, is to know what happens in it. People are rarely going to like a film just because a particular person directed it, or simply because this actor or that one was in it. So a plot synopsis is surely in order here, though you must be warned, this will give you the full synopsis, so it could contain spoilers.

The film opens on a man named Jerry, he is down on his luck and financially shot. He is a crooked car dealer, with a very checkered past of angered customers. He needs money in a hurry, so he hatches up a plan for the two men sitting across the table from him to kidnap his wife. Then, her father would pay a handsome ransom to ensure her safe return.

A short time after the two men set out to do what was asked of them, Jerry learns that through another business venture that he had tried to get going, he was not going to need the money from a ransom after all and tries to call off the kidnapping with no success. The next scene features the two men, very awkwardly kidnapping Jerry's wife, Jean.

While the original plan between the three men at the start of the film was to ask the father for 80,000, Jerry decides that he will tell his father in law that the kidnappers have ransomed out his daughter for a cool million. He agrees to pay the money, but he refuses not to hand it to the crooks himself. So Wade, Jean's father, sets off with the money aiming to kill the kidnappers with his sidearm and get his daughter back without losing a cent.

It isn't a surprise that the whole thing gets botched, leaving Wade dead and one of the two kidnappers sent to collect the money very much wounded. He is able, though, to get the money and flee. He discovers there is a million, and he hides all but the 80,000 that his partner was aware of. Back at the cabin, the wounded crook finds the wife dead at the hands of the other crook. They get into an argument, and the already wounded kidnapper also dies.

The police arrest the other, as well as Jerry for orchestrating the whole thing. The film is a depiction of the debauchery of money, the deadly levels that it can drive people to. Powerful performances take this film from being good to being exceptionally great. Performances from William H. Macy (Jerry) and Steve Buschemi as one of the kidnappers.

That, is "Fargo". While there is certainly a good bit to know about this film, perhaps this was helpful towards encouraging you to see it if you haven't already. This is critically acclaimed because there aren't many films like this one.

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Movies And MP3

Movies and MP3 files are already compressed with near maximum capacity. Repacking them would just create larger files and increase decompression time. Ripped movies are still packaged due to the large file size, but compression is disallowed and the RAR format is used only as a container. Because of this, modern playback software can easily play a release directly from the packaged files, and even stream it as the release is downloaded (if the network is fast enough).

MP3 and music video releases are an exception in that they are not packaged into a single archive like almost all other sections. These releases have content that is not further compressible without loss of quality, but also have small enough files that they can be transferred reliably without breaking them up. Since these releases rarely have large numbers of files, leaving them unpackaged is more convenient and allows for easier scripting. For example, scripts can read ID3 information from MP3s and sort releases based on those contents.