Streaming Movies For MP3 Online

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

A Synopsis Of Exiled

By Cecelia Rich

Exiled is really its own thing in the world of action movies. If you've grown bored with the recent Hollywood trend of shaky cameras, incoherent action scenes and split second editing, Exiled is a breath of fresh air. If you want to see action that's clear, coherent, and carries a sort of odd, dreamlike quality, put Exiled on your movie downloads queue.

Years after a top ranked lieutenant in the Triad betrays his boss, the boss, played by Simon Yam, sends a pair of hitmen to take him out. Meanwhile, two members of the gang come to protect the man. These characters were all friends in the gang, and it's out of duty that the two hitmen come to kill their old partner. They come to a compromise and decide to pull off a big score to support the man's wife and child before settling their conflict.

The five characters are all friends, and so, after a quick, and dazzling shootout, they come to a compromise. Where most gangster movies are fairly cold and impersonal when it comes to "whacking" people, this one is oddly sweet and sentimental, and the five decide to pull off a big score to support the wife and child of the lead character before settling any other business they might have together.

This movie comes from Johnnie To, the legendary Hong Kong director who came up around the same time as John Woo and Ringo Lam, in the Heroic Bloodshed era. Where those movies were driven by anger at the Chinese takeover of Hong Kong, Exiled was made after the takeover, when it was shown that things hadn't changed quite as much as the Hong Kong people were expecting.

The dreamlike quality to the film is really something. Shootouts take place in slow motion, with action that takes only thirty seconds being expanded to several minutes. One incredible scene begins with a character throwing a Red Bull can into the air, and climaxes just as the empty can hits the floor, with bullets flying and people dying over the course of an incredible slow motion bullet ballet.

The story isn't always quite as clear as the action, but this actually helps to improve the dreamlike quality of the film. To himself has admitted that he finds the film confusing and still hasn't quite made sense of it. Watch it for the characters and the action, though, and you'll be able to appreciate the movie in full.

The genre of Heroic Bloodshed was defined by angry violence, often showing one man up against an army as a parallel to the independent people of Hong Kong and their anger against the Communist China. After Woo and Lam went to Hollywood, Johnnie To stayed behind and redefined the genre on his own terms, turning it into something a little less vitriolic.

It's truly a rare spectacle in the world of action. Even if you've seen everything John Woo and Ringo Lam have ever made, this movie will show you something you haven't seen before. It's definitely something to watch if you're looking for an action scene with its own approach to the usual shootouts and fight scenes.

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